
  • Experience the power of Blutui from your local environment using courier dev, to easily keep your code in sync.
  • Easily push code to your project using the simple courier push command.
  • Get started with a new project using courier pull to easily pull the latest code for your project.

Start using Courier


courier is easy to install, works on macOS, Windows, and many popular Linux distributions.


Available via Homebrew.


Available via scoop.


Available on many popular Linux distributions.

Linking your project

After obtaining a Courier token, its time to pull your first project. Open your preferred terminal and create a new directory, for this example we will create a new-project directory:

mkdir new-project
cd new-project

Once inside the new-project directory, it's time to setup a new courier.json configuration file. The configuration file is used by Blutui to determine what project you are currently in. To create a new courier.json file, run:

courier init [your-project-handle]

For example:

courier init sonic

You should now have a brand new courier.json configuration file in your new-project directory. Now let's pull your project code from Blutui, this will allow you to build your project locally. To pull your project code from Blutui, run:

courier pull

You can run courier dev to watch for file changes and automatically sync changes to your project.

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