{{ cms_quote(name, { value: '...', cite: '...', class: '...' }) }}
ArgumentDescriptionData Type
nameThe element identifierString
value (optional)The text content of the quotationString
cite (optional)Reference information for the quote (author, source, etc.)String
class (optional)A space-separated list of CSS classes to style the quote componentString

The class variable is only accessible in the code. All other variables are available in the Canopy editor.

Quote component template

<blockquote class={{ class }}>
  <p>{{ value }}</p>
    <cite>{{ cite }}</cite>

Rendered HTML output

<blockquote class="bg-pink">
  "There's no place like home."


 {{ cms_quote('myquote', { value: "I'll be back.", cite: 'Terminator', class: 'text-lg italic text-gray-600' }) }}

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