{{ cms_video(name, { controls: ..., autoplay: ..., url: '...', type: '...', class: '...' }) }}
ArgumentDescriptionData Type
nameThe element identifierString
controls (optional)Display standard video controls (play, pause, volume, etc.)Boolean
autoplay (optional)Starts playback automatically when the page loads.Boolean
url (optional)Link to the video fileString
type (optional)Specify the video format (most browsers can handle multiple formats)String
class (optional)A space-separated list of CSS classes to style the video componentString

Multiple video sources

{{ cms_video(name, { controls: ..., autoplay: ..., sources: [{ url: '...', type: '...' },{ url: '...', type: '...' }], class: '...' }) }}
ArgumentDescriptionData Type
nameThe element identifierString
controls (optional)Display standard video controls (play, pause, volume, etc.)Boolean
autoplay (optional)Starts playback automatically when the page loads.Boolean
sources (optional)An array of objects specifying alternative video sourcesArray[Object]
class (optional)A space-separated list of CSS classes to style the video componentString

type:'video/mp4' is a common format, but check browser compatibility for others

The class variable is only accessible in the code. All other variables are available in the Canopy editor.

Video component template

<video {{ controls }} {{ autoplay }} class={{ class }}>
  {% for source in sources %}
    <source src={{ url }} type={{ type }}>
  {% endfor %}

Rendered HTML output

<video controls autoplay class="w-full rounded-lg">
  <source src="https://placehold.co/600x400" type="video/mp4" />
  Your browser does not support the video tag.


{{ cms_video('myvideo',{ sources: [{ type: 'video/mp4',url: 'https://cdn.blutui.com/uploads/curation/collection-web-2.mp4' }], controls: true, autoplay: true }) }}

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