
Parcel.js is a fast, zero-configuration web application bundler. Integrating Parcel with your Blutui project allows you to compile your JavaScript and CSS, ensuring that the code you send to Blutui is optimised and web-friendly. This guide will walk you through the process.


This guide focuses on npm commands, but you can easily replace them with the relevant yarn or pnpm commands as they serve similar purposes.

Getting started


Installing Parcel.js

Open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to your Blutui project directory. Install Parcel as a development dependency using:

npm install -D parcel

Structuring your project

Add a src folder at the root of your project, alongside the existing public and views folders. This folder will store your uncompiled code. Within the src folder, create two sub-folders: styles and js. In the styles directory, add a main.css file for your project's styles. In the js directory, create an app.js file for your JavaScript code.


Configuring Parcel.js in your package.json file

Navigate to your package.json file and add the following configuration:

"source": [
"targets": {
  "default": {
    "distDir": "./public"

This configuration instructs Parcel.js to target the specified files in the src folder and output the compiled code to the public folder.


Updating the scripts in your package.json file

Replace the existing scripts section or add the following scripts to your package.json:

"scripts": {
  "watch": "parcel watch",
  "build": "parcel build"

This allows you to run Parcel commands using npm scripts.

Ensure you remove the "main": "index.js" line from the package.json file, as it's not required.


Compiling your with Parcel.js

To compile your CSS and JavaScript, run:

npm run build

This command utilises Parcel to optimise your code, ensuring it's efficient and web-friendly.


Congratulations! You've now successfully integrated the Parcel compiler with your Blutui project. This setup ensures your code is always optimised and web-ready. Happy developing!

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