
Blutui emphasises an organised and component-based approach to web development. One of the platform's strengths is its views folder, which is structured for templating. This guide will take you through the essentials of the views folder, its sub-folders, and the role of templating in Blutui.


  • Basic familiarity with the Blutui Canvas structure.

Step-by-step overview


Deciphering the views folder

When you navigate to the views folder, you'll encounter two primary sub-folders:

  • templates: Contains:
    • default.html: The foundational template for your Blutui project.
    • 404.html: A template for handling "Page Not Found" errors.
  • pages: Houses the index.html file, which is central to rendering your site's content.

The role of the default.html file

This file forms the outermost structure of your Blutui project. It features essential sections like the head, where style definitions reside, and the body, where content gets placed. The most efficient way to build upon this file is by using inheritance, capitalising on the block tag.


Understanding inheritance in Blutui

Navigate to the views/pages/index.html file. At the top, you'll notice the code {% extends 'templates/default' %}. This code signifies that the content from index.html will be placed inside the default.html template. The index.html file utilises blocks, such as styles and body, which correspond to the blocks in default.html. This structure enables you to insert content precisely where you intend to.


Component methodology

In Blutui, the approach to development centers on creating reusable components. By doing so, developers can speed up their process, ensuring efficient and consistent design throughout.


Blutui's compilation process

Blutui compiles your site by placing content as per your declarations. It also processes code constructs such as conditional statements (if/ifelse/else) and loops (for loops).


Dive deeper

To enhance your understanding of templating in Blutui, refer to the templating documentation.


Blutui's views folder structure and templating system promote an organised, modular, and efficient web development experience. By mastering these concepts, you'll streamline your web projects and enhance maintainability. Hopefully you become the next Bob Ross with your Blutui Canvas.

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