
Creating forms in Blutui can be an intuitive process. This guide provides a detailed step-by-step instruction on setting up a form, along with integrating it into your website.

Creating a form


Head to your Blutui Project Dashboard. Click on Forms to access the forms section of the dashboard.


Create a new form

From the Forms screen, click on the Create form button. A modal will appear, prompting you to enter a name for your form. The name will automatically be converted into a slug format for the handle. You can opt to use a custom handle by clicking on Use custom handle.


Add form fields

Once your new form is created, you'll be redirected to the form settings page. Here you can add the desired fields for the form. In our example, we'll create the Name, Email, and Message fields.

Click Add field and select the Text option for the Name field. Label it as 'Name'. Assign a unique name to reference in your code, e.g., 'name'. Optionally, add help text (e.g., "Please put your name here"). Ensure you mark the field as 'Required'.

Similarly, add the Email (using the email type) and Message (using the textarea type).


Save the form

Click the Update form button to save your changes.

Add the form to your project code


Directory setup

Create a new folder named forms inside the views directory. Inside the forms folder, create a file named contact.html.


Create a form component system

Next, we'll use a system named macro to help define input types and their output structure. If you don't already have a components folder, create one in the views directory. Inside the components folder, create a file named form.html. Paste the code below into form.html to define various form elements. These macros serve as templates for each type of form input, allowing flexibility in form design:

{# Input #}
{% macro input(data) %}
  <input type="{{ data.type }}" name="{{ }}" value="{{ data.value }}" placeholder="{{ data.placeholder }}" {% if data.required %} required {% endif %} class="" />
{% endmacro %}

{# Textarea #}
{% macro textarea(data) %}
  <textarea type="{{ data.type }}" name="{{ }}" value="{{ data.value }}" placeholder="{{ data.placeholder }}" {% if data.required %} required {% endif %} class=" " ></textarea>
{% endmacro %}

{# Checkbox #}
{% macro checkbox(data) %}
  {% for item in data.options %}
    <label class="">
      <input type="checkbox" name="{{ }}[]" value="{{ item.value }}" />
      <span class="">{{ item.value }}</span>
  {% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}

{# Radio Button #}
{% macro radio(data) %}
  {% for item in data.options %}
    <label class="">
      <input type="radio" name="{{ }}" value="{{ item.value }}" />
      <span class="">{{ item.label }}</span>
  {% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}

{# Select Menu #}
{% macro select(data) %}
  <div class="">
    <select name="{{ }}" value="{{ data.value }}" class="">
      {% for item in data.options %}
        <option value="{{ item.value }}">{{ item.value }}</option>
      {% endfor %}
{% endmacro %}

{# Error Messages #}
{% macro errors(data) %}
  <span class="">{{ data }}</span>
{% endmacro %}

{# Form Field #}
{% macro field(data) %}
  <div class="">
    <label for="{{ }}" class="">{{ data.label }}{% if data.required %} <span>*</span> {% endif %}</label>
    {% if data.type == 'checkbox' %}
      {{ _self.checkbox(data) }}
    {% elseif data.type == 'radio' %}
      {{ }}
    {% elseif data.type == 'select' %}
      {{ }}
    {% elseif data.type == 'textarea' %}
      {{ _self.textarea(data) }}
    {% else %}
      {{ _self.input(data) }}
    {% endif %}
    <span>{{ data.help_text | escape }}</span>
    {{ _self.errors(data.errors) }}
{% endmacro %}

Feel free to customise the appearance and layout by modifying the provided HTML and adding CSS styles.


Form integration

Inside your views/forms/contact.html file, insert:

{% import 'components/form' as ui %}

{% form 'contact' %}  
  {% for field in form.fields %}
    {{ ui.field(field) }}
  {% endfor %}
  <button type="submit" class="">Submit</button>
{% endform %}

This will setup the form and import the components/form.html file we created in the previous step. It includes security measures to help protect your form from bots. The code loops through each field and renders them based on their type. This approach will allow content creators to add more fields in the future directly from the dashboard.

You can directly reference individual form fields using {{ ui.field( }} or {{ ui.field(form.fields['name']) }}. Lastly add a form submission button at the end.


Embedding the form on a page

To display the form on any page or section, use {% include 'forms/contact' %} snippet to embed the form at the desired location in your page code.


By following these steps, you can seamlessly integrate a customisable form into your Blutui project. Remember to modify and style the form to align with your project's design and needs.

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