Body parameters
The name of the project.
The unique slug of the project.
The timezone of the project. The value must be a valid timezone string, check the list of supported timezones for more information.
The description of the project.
The subdomain of the project. Your project will be accessible at https://{subdomain}
The unique identifier for this project.
This will always contain project
for this endpoint.
The project name.
The project description.
The image URL of the project.
The project handle.
The project password to access the project when under development.
The project timezone.
The project subdomain.
The primary domain for this project.
The project published status.
The project processed status.
The project's created at timestamp.
The project's updated at timestamp.
The project's deleted at timestamp.
import Blutui from 'blutui'
const blutui = new Blutui('ey....')'studio').projects.create({
name: 'Example Site',
"id": "9c17d680-e0af-4f00-9e28-08c4e38e89e0",
"object": "project",
"name": "Example Site",
"description": "This is an example site.",
"image": "",
"handle": "example-site",
"password": "password",
"timezone": "Pacific/Auckland",
"subdomain": "example-site",
"primary_domain": "9c17d63b-96c0-4315-b4dd-e55373ce4ffd",
"published": true,
"processed": true,
"created_at": 1711305486,
"updated_at": 1711305486,
"deleted_at": 1711305486